Euro-Atlantic Center

powered by Students

Who are we?
The Euro-Atlantic Center (EAC) is an independent Slovak non-governmental  organization that brings together professionals and students from the field of international relations, foreign policy of the Slovak republic and security. EAC was established in 1999 by a group of students in Banska Bystrica. The headquarters of the organization is located near the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations of the University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica. Since 2008, the organization has also been located near the Economic University in Bratislava, which fields the regional office of the organization and the Center for North-American Relations, which is an associated organization and an integral part of EAC.

Innovative Education

Thanks to our location near the University of Matej Bel and a young team of motivated students, we are able to incorporate and take advantage of original educational methods when working with students of a wide variety of ages.

Unique Influence

Long-term experience and the determination of our members allows us to organize the biggest Slovak security conference and support a debate about defense and foreign-policy challenges.

Regional Reach

Thanks to the diversity and attractiveness of our project, we are able to expand our influence beyond the borders of Slovakia, where we do our best to transfer know-how and form young leaders in the Central Europe region.

Our projects
Visegrad Youth Forum
Slovenské bezpečnostné fórum
Speaking Tours
Current Issues
Education is Future
Successful projects
Years of existence
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By clicking “Sign-Up”, I voluntarily agree with the handling of my personal data in accordance with Law No. 122/2013 Coll on the protection of personal data (in its current version) by the Euro-Atlantic Center, with its headquarters in Kuzmányho 3, 974 01 Banská Bystrica (hereafter referred to as EAC) to this extent: first and last name, e-mail address to be used alongside marketing activities of EAC for an indefinite period. I am aware of the fact that by agreeing to the storage, or rather the handling of my personal data, done in accordance with the Law on the protection of personal data and the Law regarding some services of the information community, is voluntary and that I can take back this agreement at any time.

Central Office

Kuzmányho 3, 97401 Banská Bystrica, Slovakia
Phone: +421 484 151 689

Regional Office

Dolnozemská cesta 1/b, 85235 Bratislava, Slovakia