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Regional Euro Atlantic Camp – REACT 2015Regional Euro Atlantic Camp – REACT 2015


The Call for Participation in Regional Euro Atlantic Camp – REACT 2015 has been launched and will be closed on July 20th!

REACT 2015 will be held in Vucje village, Niksic, Montenegro from August 28th  to September 02nd  2015.

REACT 2015 will gather the participants who will support the following objectives: promoting polices which encourage interests, motivations and desire of citizens to support politics of regional safety and cooperation by opening expert and broad public debate in order to perceive how these processes can be strengthen in the light of possible political and economic as well as security benefits of joining region to the NATO in the future.

The REACT 2015 is open to graduate (last year graduate) and postgraduate students (social / political studies, humanities or economics), scholars, researchers & experts working in think tanks and academic institutions, practitioners, employees of security sector institutions and civil servants, youth of political parties, as well as for the government and civil sector representatives dealing with euroatlantic integrations matters  

More about REACT Camps as well as a application package, please find at